
Mamiya 7 Ii Viewfinder
mamiya 7 ii viewfinder

mamiya 7 ii viewfinder

I usually have the vented lens hood attached but it doesn’t cover much more of the finder. For me this the lens that suits me the most my style of shooting and makes composing a real pleasure! Focusing very easy with this bright rangefinder patch and the butter smooth focusing ring makes it very precise.At the bottom edge of the viewfinder you can see very little obstruction from the lens. Even though the 65mm frame covers almost the entire finder, there’s still a little room on the edges to see elements coming into your frame. This works great with all colour negative film in general and especially with Portra 400, which I tend to find too flat when shot at box speed.In the video, you can see how bright and fairly large this 0.57 magnified viewfinder is. I decided to try that because there was plenty of light on that day and wanted to get a little boost in contrast and saturation.

I wanted the plane on the right side of the pilar but was too slow!You may also have noticed that the frame lines on each sides have little humps pointing toward inside. This is because I’m focusing on a closer object and the frames moves to correct the parallax error and provide a more accurate curate framing.The over-exposition really boosted the saturation in the reds, maybe a little too much on these two above!Missed that one. Yes, Mamiya 7 hoods are fragile little princess!There’s also LED indicators below the finder window, which tells you about the shutter speed, over-underexposure, which my camera couldn’t catch but it’s in there…Now that you know everything, let’s look at some real life examples shot on this Mamiya 7.You can notice here that the frame lines are lower.

I honestly don’t see the point of using that as you can simply crop your image afterwards and guessing the imaginary horizontal frame lines (marked in blue) isn’t something that I would be comfortable with. This adapter allows you to shoot panoramic images using 135 film.

mamiya 7 ii viewfinder